Thursday, 23 June 2011

Diary of a Nobody

"Write the vision, and make it plain, that he may run that readeth it"
Habakkuk ii. 2

Here is the first tranche of material - a timeline of events so far. It isn't complete, and supporting documents will be added when we've scanned them:

Names have been changed to protect the innocent. The diary is the first item I pulled off the shelf - more details will follow as soon as we can get it all digitised.

Written material is MD's record of events: typescript is derived from the emails he had released by Head Office (chalk one up to transparency!)

The game is as follows: try to work out what rules "Zippy" and "Bungle" were following, and what authority they had for doing what they did. Try to work out what they hell was going on in their heads, and who they think they are! Fun for all the family!


  1. I admit that this is the nearest Ive come to anything that resembles social networking so a novel experience to join. I'm also confused by the quote - run from or too.
    Are they wheeling out different worthies in an attempt to stop discussions?
    I think I will have a little read of the story so far.

  2. Hi, George.
    No, the Bible quote is one of those things that the King James Bible has bequeathed to the English language, and which doesn't make sense if you don't know the context. It's from the start of the second chapter of the book of the prophet Habakkuk. Have a look on
